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The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science & Technology (S&T)’s Silicon Valley Innovation Program (SVIP) has a new funding opportunity! 

SVIP invests in startup companies from across the nation and around the world to adapt, develop and harness cutting-edge capabilities that are commercially sustainable while simultaneously meeting the needs of DHS Operational Components and Programs.  

On August 12, 2024, SVIP announced the Software Artifact Dependency Graph Generation at Scale (Software ADG Generation) Topic Call.  

Software ADGs help identify and track every source code file that is incorporated into a piece of software without any effort from developers. By enabling automatic visibility and verification of what goes into a piece of software, this capability enhances software vulnerability management, ensures safer and more stable applications, and ultimately helps reduce the risk of cyberattacks that can compromise personal data and privacy.


Thursday, October 17, 2024

9:00am 12:00 p.m. PT | Topic Call Information Sessions (Hybrid)

1:30 3:00 p.m. | Networking and Office Hours (In-person Only)

333 Ravenswood Ave, Menlo Park, CA| Livestream via Zoom

In collaboration with the DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), SVIP will host a hybrid industry day on Thursday, October 17, 2024, in Menlo Park, CA.  This event will provide detailed information about the technical requirements, submission process, and resources available to startups interested in applying to the Software ADG Generation Topic Call. Organizations interested in learning about DHS use cases, networking and potentially partnering with startups, and meeting with DHS representatives are welcome to attend.

The SVIP Software ADG Generation Industry Day agenda includes a panel discussion with experts who have worked on different parts of the software identification puzzle over the past decade, as well as detailed information about the topic call’s use cases and technical requirements, program eligibility, application resources and timelines, and audience Q&A sessions. In-person participants will have an opportunity to schedule a 10-minute semi-private meeting with DHS representatives between 1:30 3:00 p.m. PT *. 

Program Agenda, Thursday, October 17, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM PT

8:30 a.mSign-in, On-site Registration, and Networking 
9:00 a.m.Welcome & Opening Remarks 
Melissa Oh, DHS SVIP
9:15 a.m.Open Plenary
Aeva Black, DHS CISA
9:35 a.m.Open Source Community Panel Discussion
Moderator: Aeva Black
Panelists to be announced
10:15 a.m.Use Case and Technical Requirements 
Tim Pepper, DHS CISA
10:45 a.m.Use Case and Technical Requirements Q&A
11:30 a.m.How To Apply and Q&A 
Melissa Oh, DHS SVIP
11:55 a.m.Closing Remarks
12:00 p.m.Adjourn SVIP Industry Day Programming

Download the Industry Day Agenda.pdf

SVIP Industry Days have led to the funding of over 80 U.S. and International startups who are now shaping their commercial products to address DHS mission requirements. Join us in Menlo Park, CA, or virtually on October 17 to learn about the topic call, use cases, technical requirements, and how startups can apply to partner with SVIP!


SVIP’s industry day events are free to attend and open to the public, but registration is required.
In-person space is limited, register today to reserve your seat!

*In-person attendees must register by October 7 to be eligible to schedule a meeting with DHS Representatives, acceptance of the meeting will be required by October 11, or the time will be forfeited. One meeting per company. 


SVIP, in partnership with CISA, has announced the Software Artifact Dependency Graph Generation at Scale Topic Call to support CISA’s effort to understand, manage, and reduce risk to the software that powers the cyber and physical infrastructure that Americans and global populations rely on. 

The proposed solutions should complement and enhance existing approaches to software identification, enriching the software vulnerability data with intrinsic identifiers, such as artifact dependency graphs (ADGs), that are unique to a component’s contents to both mitigate software vulnerabilities and “bake in” security. 

Software ADGs are intrinsic identifiers that are unique to a software component’s contents. They can provide actionable information regarding the dependencies the software incorporates, which increases transparency in software composition and provides standard, machine-readable decision support at an enterprise scale. 

This solicitation seeks foundational open source capabilities for compiled languages as well as value-added services that utilize the foundational capabilities. 

Foundational open source capabilities sought include:

  • Automatic compile time generation of ADGs via integration with open-source compliers and open software build tool chains
  • Automatic build-tool-based generation of ADGs for interpreted languages via integration with open source build toolchains
  • Automatic post-build package generation of ADGs integrated with open-source post-build package tools

Value added services sought include:

  • Services and products that enable public correlations across generated ADGs
  • Services and products that leverage ADGs for additional functionality to be used by Enterprise, System Administrator and Developer communities

By enabling both open source capabilities and value added services that leverage them, DHS seeks to accelerate progress in the domains of software composition analysis and vulnerability management to complement and enhance existing approaches to software identification. 

THE APPLICATION SUBMISSION DEADLINE IS 12:00 PM PT / 3:00 PM ET ON DECEMBER 16, 2024. You can find the full solicitation text, including descriptive use case examples, detailed technical background and requirements, application submission instructions and timelines, templates, and resources by viewing the Other Transaction Solicitation (Call 70RSAT24R00000042).



The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology Directorate (S&T) Silicon Valley Innovation Program (SVIP) bridges the technology development gap between DHS S&T, startups and small businesses, and DHS operational components. Through SVIP, startups and other small technology businesses can access non-dilutive funding, guidance from subject matter experts, and direct access to operational end-users during prototype testing, providing a unique experience and resource in the development of viable technologies.  

SVIP was established to reshape how government, startups, and industry collaborate to find solutions for homeland security use-cases. SVIP is not a traditional research program. Instead, it focuses on funding and harnessing the commercial R&D ecosystem to identify and co-invest in existing technology that can be used to enhance the Homeland Security Enterprise. 

SVIP is one of several innovation funding programs under S&T’s Office of Industry Partnerships. Learn more about these programs in S&T's Partnership Guide.

S&T is the science advisor to the Secretary and serves as the research and development arm of DHS.  


Have questions? Email SVIP at [email protected]

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